"Little Big Books" editado pela Gestalten, um novo catálogo sobre os melhores ilustradores para literatura infantil. Entre os vários livros que foram selecionados, um deles é o meu livro "Nove Storie sull'amore" editado pela Topipittori.
"Little Big Books" published by Gestalten, it's a new catogue about illustrators for children’s picture books.
"Featuring the work of the best up-and-coming illustrators and creators of picture books for children, Little Big Books is a captivating showcase of what is state-of-the-art in today’s children’s books. "
Among the many books that were selected, one is my book "Nove Storie sull'amore" published by Topipittori.
1 comentário:
Congrats Ana! It looks like a lovely book...
and I am happy to have yours about love... I bought it on your and Camilla's show in Bologna*
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